Canadian SIM

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Moving to Canada Checklist For Newcomers

Moving to Canada Checklist For Newcomers

Moving to Canada from another country presents a challenging task. Whether your intention is to establish permanent residency or seek improved career and educational prospects, achieving a seamless transition to a foreign nation requires substantial time and meticulous organization. To assist you in this endeavor, we have formulated a practical checklist for moving to Canada. This comprehensive guide offers a step-by-step approach, encompassing vital aspects such as selecting an appropriate immigration program and making necessary preparations for your new life in Canada.

Moving to Canada checklist:

  • Apply for a visa or work permit.
  • Book flights to Canada.
  • Obtain travel insurance specifically for Canada.
  • Ensure your passport is valid and up-to-date.
  • Gather bank statements as proof of funds (allow for a week or two for arrangement).
  • Update your resume to the Canadian format (important for success in Canada).
  • Arrange accommodation for at least the first night
  • Prepare accommodation references from previous landlords.
  • Obtain references from previous employers or secure contact information for potential references in Canada.
  • Request a “no claims” letter from previous insurers as proof of driving history.
  • If your driving experience predates the issue date on your home license, obtain a letter from your home licensing authority to validate your driving duration.
  • Collect tax forms related to the termination of your employment for potential tax refund purposes.
  • Familiarize yourself with regulations for bringing pets to Canada and gather necessary documentation.
  • Allow sufficient time to terminate your contract with your mobile phone provider (consider cancellation periods).
  • Obtain a Canadian SIM card to use in your phone for local communication.
  • Arrange for the unlocking of your phone if needed for compatibility with other networks.

What to pack when moving to Canada:

  • Ensure your passport is valid and up-to-date.
  • Prepare visa, work permit, or other immigration documentation as required.
  • Obtain a bank balance letter to serve as proof of financial capacity.
  • Carry evidence of travel insurance, if applicable, such as a printed copy of your policy.
  • Have the address of your accommodation ready, whether it’s a hostel, hotel, or a friend’s place.
  • Bring your driver’s license or another form of government-issued ID if you plan on visiting venues that serve alcohol, to avoid using your passport unnecessarily.
  • Carry a copy of your resume, either emailed to yourself or stored electronically for easy access and printing when needed.
  • Obtain an accommodation reference letter from previous landlords.
  • Secure a motor insurance letter, particularly a “no claims” letter, to potentially reduce your insurance premium costs.
  • Carry copies of your student transcripts if they are required for any purpose.
  • If necessary, bring prescriptions for any medications you require.
  • Don’t forget to pack essential winter items such as a good pair of gloves, a warm hat, and a scarf if you’re arriving during winter, especially outside the Greater Vancouver Area. These items will be crucial for your initial journey from the airport to your accommodation and for your first day in Canada.

Items you might like to pack for Canada:

  • Carry some Canadian currency to avoid the hassle of searching for an ATM at the airport.
  • Pack a power bar or extension cord to conveniently connect and power multiple devices using a single Canadian adapter.
  • Don’t forget to bring chargers for phones, cameras, and other electronic devices.
  • Consider bringing some home treats, such as tea bags or non-perishable food items from your home country.
  • If you have larger items that hold sentimental value, like a guitar or surfboard, it may be more cost-effective and convenient to check them as additional luggage on your flight rather than shipping them separately. Remember to ensure they meet airline baggage restrictions.
Moving to Canada packing checklist: Goods to follow
The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) has established regulations regarding personal items that accompany you to Canada. They provide essential details about the eligibility of goods for duty- and tax-free importation, as well as the procedures involved. For more information, please visit the relevant page on the CBSA website.
Next steps

As you complete your packing for Canada and eagerly anticipate your journey to the airport, it is advisable to proactively consider your plans upon arrival in Canada.

Here is the Detailed Month-by-month Guide to Visit Canada.
